In 1970, one of the coolest, most destructible toy ideas to date was launched: Smash-Up Deby! The set consisted of two plastic cars with parts that clipped into place (wheels, hoods, bumpers, etc.). The cars were powered with a rip-cord action system. Kids squared off opposite one another with a car in hand, shot them toward one another over ramps and CRASH...parts go flying. This comic style graphic brings the action to life.
We will Custom print the graphic on one of our, super soft, short sleeved t-shirts or one of our super soft, long sleeved t-shirts. We feel this print is best presented in "Classic" style with the logo on the front.
All our t-shirts are made from 100% Peruvian Cotton, the finest cotton in the world. Manufactured in Peru and designed and printed in Canada. Send some positive vibes out in the world while you ride in luxury and style.
Short sleeved t-shirts available in Dove Grey, Medium Blue, White and Navy
Long sleeved t-shirts available in Medium Blue and Dove Grey
Sizes: XL, L, M, S, XS (quantities while supplies last)